South Lake Tahoe to Orange Park, FL, 2,240 Miles

Leaving South Lake Tahoe, we made an unplanned stop four days later, reaching the unfortunately named but historically interesting Squaw Valley, home of the 1,960 Winter Olympics.

Over the last week, Mary has been experiencing fatigue and progressive chest pains as we hiked through the ending ranges of the Sierra Nevadas. This growing concern led us to get off the trail early near Truckee, CA, where she saw a doctor who confirmed that she had an unknown lung infection.

Risking permanent damage if she kept hiking, doctors told her that she must stop for now. Over the next day, we deliberated whether I should continue the 2nd half of the PCT alone, or stop as well. I made the difficult decision that I will also put the hike on hold, and we will finish from South Lake Tahoe again next year.

Until then, I will be living in Florida. For everyone out there, let’s talk soon! If anyone is interested, I might blog about my progress learning the guitar in the meantime, musical subjects that interest me, as well as general life events.

It’s an immensely difficult decision to get off the trail, but I know that we will be back.

Total Miles: 1,180

7 Comments on “South Lake Tahoe to Orange Park, FL, 2,240 Miles”

  1. So sorry to hear this, but the right call. Perhaps you can regale me with some of your travel tales once in Orange Park. Really enjoyed keeping up Mary’s and your adventure.

    • Fred,
      Of course! Scott can give you my contact info if you want to meet up or get lunch. Talk soon.

  2. Although a very difficult decision, it was certainly the correct one. Health must trump all. I really enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with your adventures. Thanks for including me. I am confident you will be back at it next year to finish the trip. Let me know if you are up in the Carolinas. Would love to see you.

  3. Hi John! So sorry to read about the situation but as others have said..Health is of utmost importance!!! I know you two will hit the trail again in time. You already have multitudes of memories to share!!!
    You will be in Florida somewhere…right?
    I hope Mary’s health is taking turns for the better and that she is healing rapidly!!!
    Drop me a line if you have a moment.
    Always nice to hear from you!! Hope you still play piano when you are able.

  4. Hi John, I wanted to thank you for taking us all on your adventure. I hope you don’t get caught up in any negative feelings about your decision, because everything that you two did was awesome! Just re-read your entries, and see how much you learned and observed, and felt! You ended up in an area that I had just started to explore, before I moved to Florida, so I was very excited to see the pictures from the Desolation Wilderness/South Lake Tahoe area. Again, thank you!
    I am Bill Jeter’s wife, a friend of your dad’s.

    • Deanne,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m still bummed out that we had to get off the trail, and am revisiting my old posts. Gives me a great deal of perspective on what we have accomplished.

      Already looking forward to coming back and finishing next year!